

Leonardo Afonso creates mandolins, portuguese guitars, classical guitars, ukuleles and portuguese cavaquinhos. A big role in the musical instruments construction is the customization, because the human nature is very diverse and all musicians have their personal preferences. That’s why Leonardo pursues each individual’s needs and make that future instrument as comfortable as possible, tailoring it as needed. We may adapt, for example, the shape and dimension or the tonewood, among other aspects.

Each instrument is available in three different models: initiation, study and concert.

The Luthier

Leonardo Afonso is a luthier from Madeira Island, Portugal, and his a handmaking expert in mandolins, classical guitars, portuguese guitars, portuguese cavaquinhos and ukuleles.

Musician since his 5 years old, learned from an early age liking, observing and wanting to know more about the functioning of the instruments that he played in his life, like violin, piano, classical guitar, double-bass, clarinet, Portuguese cavaquinho, ukulele, mandolin and portuguese guitar.

The Shop

Tools are a very important aid to obtain good results. That’s why Leonardo Afonso associates hand tools with machinery and new technologies, using a method of handmade construction, keeping in mind always a primary goal what he believes is the most important: